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時間:2016-10-13 15:57 分類:唯美句子 作者:阿雜 咨詢大師



【有朝一日傾權(quán)在手,盡所有負(fù)我之狗?!?br />
pour one day right in hand, kill all the negative of my dog.


nobody can go back start, but anyone can start from today, writing a completely different ending.

【也許愛情只是因為寂寞。需要找一個人來愛。即使沒有任何結(jié)局?!?br />
maybe love only because of loneliness. Need to find someone to love. Even without any ending.


If the clown on the stage cry, you will think he's funny.


When you're honest with yourself, no one in the world can deceive you.

【這年頭。只有不傷手的立白。哪有不分手的戀愛?!?br />
This year. Only not hurting hands made of white. Which have not break up of be in love.


The fairy tale has ended, forgetting is happiness.


His heart had transform the season, and you also stand in he promised that day.


once broken dreams, to pick up, trying to piece together, and then broken, then picked up together, until one day, can't put together.


you stubborn live in the memory, but I don't know somebody else has to create new memories.


what is the blue yan. Su Peicheng is to flow like blue yan.

【也許放棄,才能靠近你,不再見你,你才會把我記起?!?br />
maybe give up to close to you, never to see you, you will remember me.


love is a moment of love is one thousand guardian.


is not I don't delete you just want to see how you for that woman to write mood

【告訴自己——不準(zhǔn)情緒化,不準(zhǔn)偷偷想念,不準(zhǔn)回頭看?!?br />
tell yourself, not emotional, not secretly miss, don't look back.

【生命太過短暫,今天放棄了明天不一定能得到?!?br />
Life is too short, tomorrow to give up today can not get.

【我這人很簡單。-只要你把我當(dāng)回事。你的事就是我的事?!?br />
I this person is very simple. - as long as you take me seriously. You is my thing.


The woman in friendship to refuse love, men use friendship for love.

【勤奮但不講究效率的結(jié)果就是:笨鳥先飛,然后不知所蹤?!?br />
Hard but don't pay attention to the efficiency of the result is that: to the, then missing.


you being jealous is a sign that you are outstanding, are you jealous of others make you incompetent!

【如果你知道去哪﹐全世界都會為你讓路?!?br />
if you know where, the world will make way for you.

【記憶紛沓而來,誰許諾過誰地老天荒?誰還記得那句??菔癄€?誰想起誰天涯外切切私語?!?br />
memory to arrive, who promised the end of time? Who do you remember the words of the seas run dry and the rocks crumble? Who think of the end of the world outside the whisper back.

【有時候為一個人傾盡一切,卻比不過別人什么都不做?!?br />
sometimes as a man devoting all, than doing nothing. But others.

【在一起時間長了就會厭煩,分開時間長了就會思念。所以,珍惜在一起的時光吧?!?br />
together after a long time will be tired, separated after a long time will be missing. So, cherish together of the time.


The master said: his hands clenched, there is nothing in it; open up, what you get is everything!...


I hate hot and cold be swayed by considerations of gain and loss of feeling

【我多害怕慣了誰的好,然后又被無情的丟掉?!?br />
I fear more accustomed to who good, and then be ruthless away.

【兩個人轉(zhuǎn)身拉開旳距離,中間有一段悲傷旳回憶?!?br />
turn any distance between two people, there is a sorrowful memories.


smile, not because happiness too long, is too long time forget to sorrow.

【輸什么不輸氣質(zhì),丟什么不丟性格?!?br />
what lose don't lose temperament, lose don't lose character.

【不怕傷了心,最怕動了情?!?br />
are not afraid to hurt my heart, the most afraid to move.

【離開你的那一天開始,左心房漸漸停止跳動?!?br />
leave you of that day of, left atrial gradually stopped beating.

【每一個嘴上說不想談戀愛的人,心里都裝著一個不可能的人?!?br />
Every mouth said don't want to fall in love of people, the in the mind is filled with an impossible person.


was born in this world, there are no feelings is not riddled with holes.

【你長得很低調(diào),活著怎么這么得瑟阿?!?br />
You grow very low-key, o living how so show off in an ostentatious manner.


The ever love, once the pain, once lost, who let me forget you, now is the eternal injury.


Sometimes, we are willing to forgive a person, not we really willing to forgive him, but we don't want to lose him.


all victory than oneself, is negligible.


don't make me be dead set of to you, as you love me take ignore capital, ok?

【如果你要考驗我的耐心,請先把你的耐心準(zhǔn)備好?!?br />
If you want to test my patience, please put your patience ready.

【你沒想象中那么戀舊,回憶喚不回你的溫柔?!?br />
didn't you imagination of so nostalgic memories calls no back to your gentleness.


drinking coffee, bitter taste. Happy and sad, still can feel the true and moved thoughts and lonely. Tears, quietly dripping on the keyboard......


dear, you must believe me, I don't even dizzy by boat, moreover is between two ship?

【世上沒有絕望的處境,只有對處境絕望的人?!?br />
There is no desperate situation, only people with a slough of despond. 】


is not afraid of the tests in June, June departure. Tell me something about the beautiful sentences short


don't envy other people better than you, they pretend to be.

【你給我一滴眼淚,我就看到了你心中全部的海洋?!?br />
You give me a drop of tears, I saw your heart all the ocean.

【我只想當(dāng)聽眾,因為不想感染太多塵世喧囂?!?br />
I just want to when the audience, because don't want to infect many earthly noise.


Ok, we give up, painted white memory, thought can disguise the beauty of the innocent.


Nowadays children wash not to clean hair, but for hair


The so-called strangers, is originally strangers, and eventually not Joseph.

【我在過馬路,你人在哪里?!?br />
I am crossing the road, where is your people.


you are lenses? I with what put you in the eye?

【淚水模糊了我的視線,遺忘悲傷沒那么簡單?!?br />
The tears blurred my line of sight, forget sadness, it's not that simple.

【握住蒼老,禁錮了時空,一下子到了地老天荒?!?br />
hold old, imprisoned the space-time, by the end of time.




You don't escape secular humble, I can't understand the space-time continuum cracking, you don't flee the bondage of family, and I can't understand the long-suffering wrong, finally, in the long distance of each other, relay race left lonely figure violent.

【回得了過去,回不了當(dāng)初?!?br />
back to the past, return not anymore at the beginning.


leave me don't comfort me, to know each sewing has to meet stinging pain.


Is my, you don't move, not me, you also give I put that...


One day, I finally no longer miss her, because she left too long, my habit is no longer a habit.

【我的故事很長你想聽的話不如我們先結(jié)個婚吧?!?br />
Long you want to listen to my stories as we first knot a marriage.


Math teacher took us to roam in the crowd turned out at last he reached shore we all drowned.

【成功的信念在人腦中的作用就如鬧鐘,會在你需要時將你喚醒?!?br />
The belief in the role of the human brain as alarm clock, will wakes you up. When you need.


who say torrential or emotions, how to assault wet whole clothes.

【貪婪是最真實的貧窮,滿足是最真實的財富?!?br />
Greed is the real poverty, satisfy is the most real wealth.

【尤記得當(dāng)年我們都很年輕,而如今,我們都已長大?!?br />
remember when we were young, and now, we have grown up.


if it really good for me, so I choose also please approval

【早安午安晚安,你不知道沒有你我很不安?!?br />
good morning good afternoon good night, don't you know I am without you.


The people around him in come and go, and there are a few can really is a lifetime.

【一個只有濫情而沒有愛情的年代?!?br />
a promiscuous without love.


Life is like weather, predictable, but often unexpected.

【不是我不愛你了,只是因為我發(fā)現(xiàn)你不需要我了?!?br />
not I do not love you, just because I found that you don't need me any more.


The other people's fairy tales always is romantic, and my fairy tale but never be miserable.

【現(xiàn)在才明白,算了,這兩個字包含著很多失望?!?br />
Now just understand, forget it, this two word contains a lot of disappointment.

【我只有一顆心,誰要誰拿去?!?br />
I only have one heart, who want to take.


once upon a time, there is a person really came into my world. But it has somehow disappeared. Never, can wander at will in my little world.

【過去的一頁不要再翻,翻落了灰塵會迷了雙眼?!?br />
The past one page don't turn, turn down the dust will lost his eyes.


I put my heart send the wrong address, now please give it back to me!


Gentle to have, but not compromise, we will in the quiet, unhurried strong.


Maybe you're just a episode, I was treated as the only.


The day so that flowed in the past, and those who said before the person who never separation, already scattered in the tianya. 】

【原來你說的每句話都是謊言的完美版?!?br />
originally you said each sentence is perfect version of a lie.




when I was a child sad will cry grew up sad laugh.


Go the most urgent is the most beautiful scenery, hurt the most pain is the most true feelings.

【我們應(yīng)該學(xué)會感恩,他來過,我愛過,就已經(jīng)足夠?!?br />
we should learn to be grateful, he came to, I loved, is enough.

【我不后悔愛過你。哪怕你傷的我那么深?!?br />
I don't regret love you. Even if you hurt me so deep.

【曾被愛傷得徹底才把自己關(guān)的那么緊?!?br />
had been love hurt so thoroughly so tightly shut yourself.

【只要你肯為我流一滴眼淚,我就可以為而你活下去?!?br />
if you would only a drop of tears for me, I and you will be able to live.


The princess of pure feeling is written on the face, the witch's deeply planted in the in the mind.

【人生若只如初見,當(dāng)時只道是尋常?!?br />
if life only such as first, the only way is unusual.

【我的世界,你不在乎;你的世界,我被驅(qū)逐?!?br />
my world, you don't care. Your world, I was deported.

【總是不知這青春何時才止?等到了那尋尋覓覓尋找幸福的時候。只見凋零的花凋零的心還有那凋零的情?!?br />
Always didn't know when this youth check? Wait to that time searching for happiness. Only fall and the withering flowers withered heart.

【生活累,一小半源于生存,一小半源于攀比?!?br />
Tired of life, a smaller part comes from the living, a smaller part comes from comparison.


Look not to wear, is your pupils gleaming eyes... guessing, is the corners of the mouth seems to have if have no you smile...

【一些人,一些事,失去了就不再回來了,要怪就怪自己當(dāng)初不珍惜?!?br />
Some people, some things, lost will no longer come back, blame it on his original don't cherish.


who you are young, passionate pen in a unique city wild way passed into a song.

【在這社會里愛情是因為傷痛絕望而美麗像羅蜜歐梁山泊。?!?br />
love in this society because of the pain and despair beautiful like Luo Mi the water margin...

【我拼了命的讓你注意我,最后才發(fā)現(xiàn),是自己太自作多情了?!?br />
I spelled a life make you notice me, finally found that is oneself too upset.

【一句我愛你,說了多少次,換了多少人?!?br />
I love you, say how many times, changed many people.www.reservacionesdehoteles.com

【要懂得珍惜守護身邊的每個人,因為前世扭斷脖子的回眸,我們才換來今生的相遇?!?br />
Will know how to cherish the guardian side [of everyone, because past wring his neck looking back, we meet only for this life.


When I often tell myself, wronged tears to belly pharynx, tears are streaming to his not flow to others see


I will still believe in love, but can no longer believe in love forever.

【明知不會有結(jié)果但是我還會堅持因為還愛著?!?br />
knowing that it would never have worked out but I will insist on because still love.

【主動久了,每個人都會累,不是不愛了,只是心累了?!?br />
The initiative for a long time, everyone will be tired, not love, just heart tired.

【孤單,是你心里面沒有人。寂寞,是你心里有人卻不在身邊?!?br />
alone, is your in the mind noodles no one. Lonely, is your heart someone but not around.


I want to get married, I said I want to with you walk into the palace of marriage, so you to be the best man......


is first Wolffy, then r), then the Su Peicheng, the girls do you really want to whom?

【不經(jīng)巨大的困難,不會有偉大的事業(yè)?!?br />
without great difficulty, there would be no great cause.

【我見過千萬人,像你的發(fā)。像你的眼,卻都不是你的臉?!?br />
I have seen ten million people, like your hair. Like your eye, but are not your face.

【畢竟不分手的戀愛只是一首歌?!?br />
After all, don't break up of be in love is just a song.


Time will tell how many people care about you.


men always want to be a woman's first man. Women always want to be a man's last a woman.

【在你的微笑里我才有了呼吸,為什么你總在哭泣?!?br />
I have breath in your smile, why are you always crying.


I only watched the happiness of the last bus gone -- - not I didn't catch, but didn't have crowded go up.

【什么叫快樂?就是掩飾自己的悲傷對每個人微笑?!?br />
what is happiness? Is to conceal his grief smiles at everyone.


You say thank you, I said you're welcome. We are stranger to need so polite.


is not my silly but I don't want to debunk 】

【天涯海角有窮時,只是相思無盡處?!?br />
The ends of the earth has a poor, only endless lovesickness.


The story in the end, weight at the end of the time but can't stop.


I hate a man at the same time for multiple women.


if beauty is a letter of recommendation, so good is a credit card!



Like a person not wrong, wrong is wrong in like a don't like themselves.


The in the mind have some obsession with, some love have to the Ann tianya...

【我努力了兩年多沒有溫暖你,她不到半年卻占據(jù)了你整個心?!?br />
I tried more than two years not warm you, she is less than six months occupied your whole heart.

【這個世界有兩個莪,一個假裝快樂,一個真心難過?!?br />
This world has two I, a pretend happy, a really sad.


as long as you are simple, I how can you bear to play with you calculating again?


The furthest distance in the world, is I stand in front of you, but can only wish you happiness.


in the wind into the shadow of life, let I gradually rises in the cold feeling, now feel elegance is a refers to the quicksand, old is a period of time, year after year, a day after day, together a parting, a joy a sorrow, a couch in a lie, a dream life.


We can go back in time, back to the original happiness.

【就算是窮困潦倒,也要比別人潦倒的不一樣?!?br />
Even the very poor, also than others down is not the same.

【有些事,我假裝不知道,知道了,只會讓自己更加心痛?!?br />
Some things, I pretend I don't know, know, will only make yourself more heartache.

【是不是月老和孟婆曾是情人。一個牽了情絲。一個斷了紅塵?!?br />
if yuelao and meng old woman was a lover. A led the affection silk. A broken the world of mortals.


The stealth for a month no one asked me

【沒有比記憶中更好的風(fēng)景,所以最好不要舊地重游?!?br />
the scenery is not better than memory, so had better not go back.

【我們總是為了一個不在乎你的人,傷害許多在乎你的人?!?br />
We always to a don't care you of person, hurt many people who care about you.





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